About Tsuga heterophylla ‘Ghidorah’: This rare Western hemlock broom specimen was discovered by Mike & Cheryl Davison in October 2017. It is named after the fictional character “King Ghidorah” because of the unusual appearance of it’s silhouette when viewed from below. Now that it has been successfully propagated, it is 1 of very few Tsuga heterophylla cultivars. Above is a 1 year old graft, photo taken November 1, 2021!

We were able to finally obtain one of Ghidorah’s appendages this fall, 2020! Our friends, Michael and Paulie Seidel, of Crowfoot Nursery, are trying to root some the scion cuttings that were harvested, and they were able to graft it successfully!

It looks like ‘Ghidorah’ will be soon spotted throughout the Pacific Northwest!