About Cupressus nootkatensis ‘Wave’. This interesting Alaskan cypress broom was discovered on a side street in Yakima, Washington, growing on a pendulous Cupressus nootkatensis. The owner did not know the cultivar name but was delighted to learn about his rare oddity and to share scions.

We grafted scions on to Thuja understock but the unions were weak. Therefore, we asked our friends, Michael and Paulie Seidel, owners of the Crowfoot Nursery if they would be able to attempt to root cuttings of the potential new cultivar. Paulie now has successfully produced numerous vigorous new plants of this unusual Alaskan cypress cultivar, Cupressus nootkatensis ‘Wave’!

This cute specimen has curly and “wavy” new growth! The new cultivar is also on display at the Oregon Garden Arboretum in Silverton.