About Abies amabilis ‘Galaxy’. Our friends from the Czech Republic gave us directions to an Abies procera broom and we were on an expedition to find it. The road to the other broom was blocked, but not for naught when Mike found this cool Abies amabilis broom instead! This Pacific silver fir broom has a flattened dense growth habit, long needles, and a nice look. It grafted beautifully! We have a couple grafts in the greenhouse and the buds are getting plump and green (not ideal, too soon, I know!). Other ‘Galaxy’ grafts are housed in a cooler environment, and we shared scions of this new cultivar with friends in Oregon. We will see!

Abies amabilis ‘Galaxy’ broom was barely within reach of the pole saw. It was so dense that Mike was unable to get the saw through the broom to harvest just a piece. And the wood was extremely dense and he had difficulty sawing through it…

So the entire broom was harvested, but one can appreciate the interesting habit as the whole broom can be seen, disc-like and flat, like most galaxies, with a very nice growth pattern!