About Pinus banksiana ‘Ray’s Random Point’: This interesting cultivar has a random growth habit, discovered as a broom on a Jack pine growing on our neighbor’s property in upper Michigan.

Our Michigan neighbors, Tom & Brenda Ray, owned a lovely property, with an irregular waterfront, with beautiful sandy coves, and granite outcroppings jutting out into the bay. Thus they named their property “Ray’s Random Point”.

Tom and Brenda lived a long happy life together until the very end when they passed away within 3 days of each other, in early February 2018, both in their mid 80’s. It just so happens that there was a Jack pine on Ray’s Random Point which produced an interesting irregularly growing broom to match their wonderful property! What a perfect name for the new cultivar Pinus banksiana ‘Ray’s Random Point’! We had collected scions from ‘Ray’s Random Point’ that year and we were actually grafting these when we heard of their passing!